Growing up before the technology explosion of the past few decades, it took a long time for me to not greet each new invention with skepticism, and I know that many of my peers joined me in asking a question whenever a new invention was brought to market. That question is, “Why do I need it?”.
Why do I need a computer if I already have a typewriter?
Since I already have a phone at home and at work and access to phone booths (remember them), why do I need a cell phone? (This question reminds me of a comedy bit that Bob Newhart used to do about the Wright brothers’ decision to not install a john on their plane since the first flight last 12 seconds.)
Why do I need a smart phone when the only thing I can imagine myself using a phone for is to talk?
Since we already have a postal service, why do I need to learn how to send emails and texts just so I can communicate faster?
Why do I need to pay bills online when I can spend money on stamps and hope that my payment gets delivered on time through the mail?
Obviously, most of my contemporaries and I wound up embracing these inventions just as everybody else has. They have all made life easier and facilitated the spread of knowledge and other communication and provided a feeling of safety (Try to find a phone both in an emergency).
But now, I’m starting to hear grumbling from some of my peers about AI. While there are some legitimate concerns about it being misused for bad things, and it certainly might impact negatively upon some aspects of the job market, and it doesn’t always provide accurate information, when it is used properly it is a legitimate extension of the progress that has been provided by computers, smart phones, and enhanced ways of communicating.
Although I don’t use AI to help me write my posts (at least not yet), I have used it extensively to help with research – keeping in mind that I can’t automatically accept what it says because it doesn’t always tell the truth (which makes me feel like I’m not totally replaceable by AI).
For those of you who are intimidated by the concept of AI, let me encourage you to not be intimidated by it, but rather learn how to use ChatGPT or Gemini. Make life a little easier for yourself sooner rather than later – when everybody will be using it. In fact, you are already using it more that you recognize whenever you do a Google search, do online banking and bill paying, and utilizing your computer or phone to perform any number of other tasks.