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When Libby and I sold our home in the suburbs and moved to a Center City apartment almost 9 years ago, we found one that met every one of the items on our wish list. One thing that came with it that hadn’t been on our list was a large number of mirrors – most of which are full length, including mirrored sliding doors on most of the closets. After we moved, we learned that the unit had been remodeled years ago by an owner who was in the porn shop business – which may explain the overabundance of mirrors, although none are on the ceiling.

The most interesting room is just off of the master bedroom and has a built-in office, made up of a desk and cabinets along one wall, while the other three walls are mirrored closets. That means that that every time that I get up from my desk, I’m faced with looking at myself in one of the mirrors. It’s probably made me more conscious of my posture and appearance than if I worked in a regular office without mirrors.

In my book, REJUVENAGING®: The Art and Science of Growing Older with Enthusiasm, I have a short section entitled, Don’t Forget Your Body’s Curb Appeal. Just like a conscientious homeowner wants to have a home make a nice well kept-up impression to the rest of the world, our attention to posture, fitness, and grooming is our curb appeal. It lets others know that we have a level of self-respect for ourselves and others with whom we interact.

While some people spend excessive amounts of money on their personal curb appeal

through expensive clothing, frequent cosmetology appointments, and even medical procedures to enhance their looks, it doesn’t have to be that way. Just as it doesn’t have to be expensive to enhance a home’s curb appeal by devoting regular time each week to keeping the lawn mowed, shrubs trimmed, and weeds pulled, personal curb appeal also doesn’t have to be costly either.

You can do so by staying in shape through regularly exercising, maintaining healthy eating habits, getting adequate sleep, and staying conscious of your posture. Pay attention to your grooming, don’t dress like a slob, and make a smile rather than a frown be your default facial expression.

It's really not that hard to maintain personal curb appeal – even if you don’t have walls of mirrors to remind you of it. And no matter what age you are, curb appeal doesn’t go out of style. Both older homes and older bodies can have beautiful curb appeal.

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